The Circus That IS The 2008 U.S. Elections

I don’t how, when and why I got so hooked watching news about the U.S. Presidential campaign these on Fox news channel these these but I have to tell you… them presidential wannabes are entertaining! It’s like a circus meets mixed martial arts match.

I just watched the Republican Forum on Fox a few hours ago and it was hilarious. I just loved how these 5 Republican white old dudes lash out against each other while making themselves look good while restraining themselves from hitting each other in the face! Ha!

I can’t remember a time that I watched a show where I felt so annoyed yet equally enjoyed the experience. I enjoyed hearing these Republican dudes talk about how good they are but talk less about the specifics on what they can do if elected. After all the rhetorics, nobody has really presented any impressive ideas. The funniest thing the whole show is how many times the word “change” was said. Well, listen dudes… you’re Republicans! And how do you expect people to believe you want change where in fact the dude sitting on the White House is your party-mate?! And for Pete’s sake, everybody stop saying “change” or “change agent” because my ears are bleeding already.

This U.S. Election campaign is borderline annoying but a whole lot of entertainment for me!

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