My blog is worth $4,516.32 in just 52 days

Myblog is worth $4,516.32.
How much is your blog worth?

This is some serious stuff. I didn’t know I can make so much money on the internet in 52 days just by blogging. This is no BS. There a formula by created by Technorati that computes how much your blog is worth based on how many backlinks you have. a backlink is simply your link published on other websites or blogs. There are a number of ways one can build backlinks. For those who have blogs already click on the image above to find out how much is yours worth. For those who don’t you can still find out how much a popular website is worth by clicking the image too.

So now you’re blog is that much… So what you may ask? We’ll I can sell it… There have been instances where some people would want to buy blogs from other people because of business reasons. Think in the line of Google buying Youtube not far back. Ofcourse, since my blog is hosted in, technically I can’t sell it due to restrictions in the User agreement contract. But when I do get my own hosting & domain, I will definitely go all out in building backlinks to see just maybe in the future I can go ahead & sell it for whatever reason I may have at that time.

With that said, I can’t say enough about encouraging call center people to go ahead and make your own blog. Start with free blogging sites like While you are just starting, you can publish ads like adsense and build enough money doing that to buy your own domain & hosting. If you decide to do so, you can just redirect you’re viewers to your new one & start building backlinks again. as you blog ages & it’s popularity increases you can start thinking about what to do with it. You can always actively sell your blog too if want. There’s a site/forum that you can offer to sell it.


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One Response to “My blog is worth $4,516.32 in just 52 days”

  1. alex Says:

    I’m surfing on u blog,look great,
    well,thinks for you info
    idea for money,Find


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